Thursday, February 19, 2004

{let's talk fashion} Jeans on guys: It’s time to get rid of the one-pair system

It’s another week for fashion and I’m loving every minute of it! I can hardly wait every other week to pen these words to you. However, my roommates can attest that I never really know what I’m going to write until I sit down and actually start typing away.

Good news all the same, readers of my column… last night I had an epiphany, which, as the defines it, it: “A sudden manifestation of the essence or meaning of something”

Readers! I definitely, yet unfortunately, did not come to know the purpose for our lives. That is indeed not my forte, for as you can see I am a simple fashion writer. Ergo! I did come across the idea that I should emphasize the importance of the famed material of denim in our everyday lives. This thought was brought on by my good friend… well, to protect his identity we’ll go with calling him “Willy.”

Willy led me to the realization that jeans (and I’m not talking just the color of denim here, compatriots), can be a life-altering material when worn in the right atmosphere. There is a deeper meaning that I am trying to get out there. How should I say it? Jeans are the most important part of the outfit.

On the average, a guy will wear jeans more than slacks or khakis, unless he’s some sort of annoying Cape Cod model or some such thing. Therefore, you males need to grasp the underlying truth that lies within the pockets of those trousers: girls look at them more than they look at your face.

I know it’s unbelievable. You don’t want to believe it right now. Take a moment; I’ll be here when you get back. That’s fine… now get back to reading.

I have always thought (this is crazy, I know) that a boy can own one pair of good jeans and be set. That’s right, only one. My advice was always to go out and spend a good amount of money on a single pair of boot-cut jeans and then couple them with varying sorts of sweaters and tops – this was just the best way to go. Willy, however, counseled otherwise.

As a male, he pointed out that his fantastic jeans that he spent “a good amount of money on” were not jeans that he felt comfortable in for the “nightlife”. Let’s just say, he did not feel at ease pairing them with a stiff black button up and nice black Kenny Coles for carousing the Sunset Strip.

Well, this was not good news. So, I have changed my ringtone – I now believe in the two pairs jeans policy. Of course it’s more money, but what it will do for your dating life! As Willy pointed out, guys either like their pants too big (way late 1990s, fellows; we’re in a new millennium now) or too tight (quite Euro, but I don’t mind it at all). His remedy to this problem was to buy jeans that fit just right around his waist, and lo and behold, they would fall at a perfect length above his shoe.

To us ladies this seems like the logical choice, but we can testify that we hardly ever buy clothes in our size. (A major faux pas I might add but that is an opinion for another time and you’ve already heard my piece regarding it.)

My fashion advice for this point in our lives together is this: buy a pair of jeans for everyday life and one pair of jeans for going out on the town, boys. It’s so simple. Girls don’t care if you wear the exact same pants day in and day out. If you have no fashion sense, then they’ll be happy with what you do have.

The jeans should fall to one small fold above the top of the shoes and be snug around your waist – and please note, hip-huggers are for women. Tapered jeans are detestable and should not be worn, neither should stonewash. Oh the horror of the “washed” jeans of the 1980s.

Jean jackets should never be paired with a pair of jeans but every male should own one. We all know and love Carson from “Queer Eye”. He says that mismatched jeans are OK but he is lying to you. They are a “no-go” together but a “must have” separately.

All in all, jeans are important to the wardrobe of the male. Guys, you don’t seem to always notice the urgency with which girls compliment you on your jeans or tell you to buy good pants. They are just trying to help you out.

Willy has the idea: girls are attracted to men that wear their clothes well and that means that they have to fit. They don’t have to be extraordinarily expensive, just well-fitting and boot cut. Now, boys, go out and get fitted up… out with your old and in with your new – jeans that is.

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