For once in my life, I got an e-mail regarding my last article. Woo hoo! So I thank you, Nate Watts, for your thoughts.
Though Mr. Watts did send me some love in the inbox, I got many a reader who talked to me personally about the sentiment of saggy baggy pants on women. And since I love each and every one of you who reads my column every other week, I will write shortly about the issue of showing underwear among femme fatales.
Though Mr. Watts did send me some love in the inbox, I got many a reader who talked to me personally about the sentiment of saggy baggy pants on women. And since I love each and every one of you who reads my column every other week, I will write shortly about the issue of showing underwear among femme fatales.
Let me first say: Let's not let that happen, Ladies. I mean, come on! Do any of us really think it's attractive to show off what doesn't need to be seen?! Wear a belt. One that fits. My seeing your choice of underwear is totally unacceptable, including classlesss. Yep, I said it. Sure, it happens to me and I get totally embarrassed. I mean, I should buy some extra belts, too, ya'll.
I will say one thing as a woman (I have this urge to stand on my soapbox so here we go): We as ladies cannot give men reasons to disrespect us - whether in action or in dress. It's easy for them to see us as property or easy targets for hormonal pleasure, but we are so much more than that. We are daughters of a King who wants us to love ourselves, our bodies, and who we are as much as He loves us.
I am saying this much, Beauties: tight clothes and low-rise jeans do not need to define who you are - be you and love it. Any man who wants you because you dress or act a certain way is worth as much as my faux Tiffany bracelet (and that was free, OK?). Here it is - fashion is something that I like to pride myself on; we all do. But as my mom says, "It doesn't matter what size it is, it matters if it looks good on you."
I'll admit that I'm not the skinniest lady in the world, nor am I built the best, but I know who I am and I love it. The man of my magazine dreams may walk on by and not glance at me once and it's OK. I don't have to impress anyone with how I dress, what perfume I buy, or how many times a month I get my toes done (though twice a month is highly recommended). Because that man who I've always dreamed about, he won't take me for granted, he will respect me, he will cherish me, and he will treat me like a princess. And, most likely, I'll fall in love with him without even knowing it.
Ladies, and you guys as well, when it happens, it happens. Know who you are because you love to sing or dance or write. Fall in love with his stare or with her smile. Cover up and respect your bodies because they're temples. After all, we want to leave something for the imagination - and let's be honest here, underwear hardly ever matches.
And that, my friends, is just tacky.
{originally written for Pepperdine's Graphic newspaper}