If there is one thing that is going through every girl's mind right now, it's the thought of this semester's Greek formals - guy's and girl's. Though some of the big days have already passed, some are quickly approaching and girls are still scrambling trying to get that "perfect dress" for that "perfect date".
As if trying to get the special someone to go with you wasn't enough, ladies, fashion always gets us down when it comes to what to wear. The seasons are changing and the options are getting slim; should you buy a new dress or borrow one?
Whichever you choose, remember this: color scheme. It's already the middle of November and therefore it's, completely, fall. Taht's right ladies, fall. Don't try and get away with wearing last spring's pastels or last summer's floral patterns. That is a no-go. Be young and beautiful in deep reds, browns, and maybe go crazy and throw emerald into the mix. I am not a fan, personally, of the ever-prevalent black dress, but with this year's climate, a little black number might just hit the jackpot.
Now, far be it from me to sound a bit motherly here, but a lady who goes out without anything around her shoulders is just not thinking ahead. Go buy yourself a wonderful matching shawl or wrap for the big event. A deep mixture of colors is a good offset to a solid dress. Thought it would be wonderful if your handsome date were to give you his jacket, you can never depend on a man when it comes to this stuff, so it's better to have your own warmth readily available. It's cold out there! And if you want to stand out, try a lovely fur muff or any other faux fur accessory to add a beautiful holiday flare to the evening; it can also really accent a solid dress. Oh! Don't forget the jewelry either, as most of the time it makes the ensemble complete.
With all of this said, don't forget to have fun. Take time and get to know the people around you. And enjoy your date's company. I know, for me, he was the best part...
{originally written for Pepperdine's Graphic newspaper}